University taster with "The Brilliant Club"University taster with "The Brilliant Club"
Supported by Mr Hobbs and Mr Holmes a group of Year 9 students took part in 'The Brilliant Club', a programme where they were tutored by PhD student, Hamza Ali from Nottingham University. They attended 3 online tutorials, about photochemistry for a sustainable future. The students then wrote a University style essay answering the following question:
Photochemistry: to what extent can light-driven chemical reactions allow us to achieve a sustainable future?
3 students achieved a First Class classification and 4 students received a 2:1 classification for their essays. The students learnt valuable skills about what it is like to study at university, and study skills such as researching, writing assignments and referencing.
Hollie Chadderton said "to study this with our PhD tutor was something entirely new. As a group this was a new subject to us and we all learnt a lot of new things. I now have an understanding of what a photochemical process is and how this can help our future be a whole lot better by trying to prevent the risks that are destroying our planet in many ways".
As a result of their achievement all the students have been awarded with the Seren Foundation Award. We are incredibly proud of you all! Da iawn!