
The aim of our wellbeing lessons at KS3 are to support our students in being healthy confident individuals who are able to make informed choices for their future. Over the course of the year we follow five units:
Celebrating difference
Dreams and goals
Healthy me
Changing me
Within these units, there are opportunities for discussion and activities that facilitate building skills and knowledge that will help to support the students in their future albeit personally, or from a career aspect. Wellbeing supports students to build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem, and to confidently make decisions that reflect their own values and hopes for the future.
At KS4 the students receive their wellbeing lessons in the same way as above; however, they work towards an accredited qualification in PSE through Agored Cymru. The Agored Cymru qualification is equivalent to two B grades at GCSE and covers topics such and mental health and wellbeing, understanding the effects of alcohol and personal money management to name but a few.